Top 10 Code Editor Applications for Android - Best Text,Xml,Html Editor App

Top 10 Code Editor Applications for Android
In today's digital era who doesn't know about Android? Many applications have been made to simplify our daily lives through the Android platform. Some of them are applications that are created to make it easier for us as developers to work through smartphones when we don't want to open a laptop or pc to work. Here are 10 code editor applications for readers who want to work mobile

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AIDE is a code editor application that was created for the development of Android applications through our Android smartphone. By using AIDE we can also get learning through the lessons provided by them.

2.Code peeker

As the name implies Codepeeker can help with several syntax options that will appear. This application can also provide solutions to errors that occur. Pretty helpful right?

3.Deuter IDE

Deuter IDE can make it easier for us because this application can compile online and its environment is very easy to run through a smartphone. Deuter IDE also supports 40 programming languages.

4. DroidEdit Free

If you often use Notepad ++ then DroidEdit free will be familiar if used. DroidEdit Free can also use extensions like Emmet so this will be very helpful and can be used anywhere using a smartphone.

5. TurboEditor

TurboEditor is an opensource application which means we can custom this application and it is available for free. This application is also optimized on tablets and smartphones, so you tablet users just calm down this application can run on your tablet. TurboEditor also provides Auto mode for saving to save files when we leave the application.

6.Our Code Editor

Have you ever downloaded an application and after running it must log in first and register to use it? You will not find it in Our Code Editor, even this application can run without using the internet though.

7. Anwriter

Anwriter is a lightweight code editor application so that when we open it it feels smooth. This application also supports autocomplete features in JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Not only supports web technologies other than HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP this editor also supports syntax for C / C ++, Java, SQL, Python, LaTeX. This application has autocompletion features for C and Python for standard functions. Only with 2 MB we can install it

8. Quick Edit

This application will run if we have rooted our smartphone. Quick Edit can be used as a text editor and code editor , which means you can open source code files and normal text files with 1 application. If you have files in Google Drive or Dropbox you can access them using 1 of these applications.

9. Quoda Code Editor

Just like some code editor applications that have been discussed previously Quoda also supports several programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, PHP, C #, and others. Quoda also already has an integrated SFTP server and cloud storage . You can also auto-encoding, brace matching, downloading URL source code, HTML formatting, color picking, and line bookmarking in this application.

10. Dcoder

Dcoder was created for those who have high mobility and want to learn programming. Dcoder also provides a complete package programming learning feature for learning and understanding programming languages ​​from C to Ruby.

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